Lemon Caviar AUSTRALICE -...
Our production Lemon Caviar AUSTRALICE - Box de 250g mini is quite short, very sought after variety, its medium beige to rosé* pearls, being very aromatic and design.
A fruit weighs between 10 and 25 grams (or more)
Conserve Cooling in the refrigerator.
Production is generally from AUGUST to the end of NOVEMBER - Delivery only during the harvest season, from AUGUST and end of NOVEMBER.
Lemon Caviar LIM-ICE - Fruit
Our Lemon Caviar LIM-ICE - Box de 250g mini is produced on our farm
A fruit weighs between 30 and 70 grams (or more)
Conserve Cooling in the refrigerator.
Delivery only in harvest season, from AUGUST and end of MARCH